As we continue to evolve in the digital age, the practice of yoga has made a significant leap from traditional studios to online platforms. The recent global circumstances, along with the convenience of technology, have pushed yoga instructors to take their classes online. This transition has been beneficial for many as it allows practitioners the ability to practice yoga from home and enables teachers to reach a broader audience.
However, it does raises several questions, one of which is – do you need insurance to teach yoga online?
Insurance is an important part of running any business, and teaching yoga online is no exception. Here is my take on whether or not insurance is needed for online teachers.
Do I Actually Need Insurance?
To answer the questions simply – Yes. You should get insurance.
Generally speaking, if you plan on teaching yoga classes online, you should consider purchasing liability insurance. This type of policy will protect both yourself and your students from any potential issues that may arise during a virtual class session. Although there is no enforcement, and Yoga Alliance does not require teachers to register for insurance, it is a good idea if you want to really take the plunge into being a full-time teacher.
Well, according to the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS). From 2001 to 2014, approximately 30,000 people were injured while doing yoga, according to their data. That’s a lot of injuries. And with the US having the highest rates of lawsuits in the world – it really could happen to anyone.
Like everything legal, however, there is no one right answer. It all depends on you; what type of classes you are providing and for whom. For instance, if you are putting your yoga videos up on YouTube then you probably do not need insurance. If however, you have an online yoga retreat on your app that has several thousands of people signed up then – yes, you better invest in good insurance.
For YouTube you could get away with a simple liability disclaimer; however, if you are doing live classes you probably want to have a people sign a limited liability waiver. Additionally, for even better protection you would want to have an LLC or corporation which protects you financially from any threats which means increased protection.
According to beYogi an insurance provider for yoga teachers. Insurance is now open to online yoga teachers as well as in-person yoga teachers.
It’s important to understand that while having adequate coverage can provide peace of mind when offering online instruction in yoga, it won’t necessarily guarantee protection against every possible situation or issue that could arise during an online class session. That’s why the devil is in the details. Be sure to find coverage that is for your particular situation.
Ultimately, making sure that you have appropriate coverage for whatever level of activity and risk associated with offering virtual instruction can help ensure the security and well-being of both yourself and your students alike.
Types of Insurance for Online Yoga Instructors
Depending on the type of classes you offer and your business structure, there are several different types of insurance policies available for online yoga instructors.
Liability Insurance: Liability insurance can help protect against claims related to negligence and may include medical expenses in case someone gets injured while participating in an online class. It’s also important to note that some liability policies may require additional coverage depending on the situation. I’m no lawyer or insurance junkie so I will not go into the fine print.
Professional Indemnity Insurance: Professional indemnity insurance helps protect against claims made against you for professional services provided as an instructor such as errors in advice or misleading information given out during instruction time. If your students claim they have suffered financially due to something said by you as their teacher, this policy will cover any costs associated with defending yourself against those claims up to a certain amount specified in the policy document.
Business Interruption Insurance: Business interruption insurance covers losses resulting from unexpected events such as natural disasters or pandemics which cause disruption in operations and prevent business activities from taking place at all times – including when offering online yoga courses or classes. The policy will reimburse lost income and other associated expenses so that businesses can get back up and running again quickly after suffering financial hardship due to unforeseen circumstances beyond their control.
Yoga insurance often ranges from $150 to $400 annually so premiums are low, and you can get modest plans that protect you from a lawsuit to the tune of $2 million to $4 million. It’s definitely worth the cost in my opinion.
Protecting Yourself with the Right Insurance Coverage
When it comes to teaching yoga online, the right insurance coverage depends on what’s right for you.
The type of policy you will need depends largely on the size and scope of your business, whether you make money as an online yoga teacher, as well as the activities that take place during your sessions. For example, if you have more than ten people attending a single class or offer special instruction such as acrobatics or aerial arts, then it would be wise to look into additional coverage beyond general liability insurance.
Depending on where you live and teach classes online, certain states may require certain types of coverage such as professional indemnity or errors & omissions insurance, which provides protection against claims made by clients related to negligence or malpractice while providing services virtually.
It’s also important to note that even though many insurers now offer specific packages tailored specifically for virtual instructors; not all actually do, so make sure to shop around and find one with an understanding of how this type of business works before making a purchase decision.
With proper research and comparison shopping done ahead of time; finding an affordable yet comprehensive policy should be a fairly easy task.